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Top 10 digital marketing experts in India, Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata

Top 10 digital marketing experts in india, bangalore, delhi, kolkata

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    Let’s discuss the top 10 digital marketing experts in India, Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata. We will go through a journey to understand what is a digital marketing and how it is helping thousands of students across India. We will try to highlight who are the top-ranked tutors in India. And how you can leverage their top-ranked courses to build a sound base for your future digital marketing career.

    Free Digital Marketing Course To Start Your Journey

    Free Website Creation and Designing Course

    Digital Marketing evolved a lot in last one decade, and it will continue to change in the time to come. With this fast changing technology marketing subject one need sound knowledge, regular live project interaction and problem-solving attitude to adapt and grow in this field. People discussed in this content are leading many organizations solving day to day problems with efficiency. While discussing on digital marketing, it’s now grown to be a super specific, subjective knowledge-driven industry. If you are expert in search engine optimization and have not worked in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads and other Paid Ad segment then you will now know many intricacies of them. So while hiring an expert, one should try to know which field he has expertize.

    Expertize in just one field will create the need of hiring experts for all the fields who can be managed by a digital marketing expert who knows about all the subjects. This is a challenging work, but experts who have spent more than 10 years in industry do know how to manage people with expertise in different fields. The aim is to stay productive and for that using expertize in different fields will definitely bring more productivity.

    With our independent and detail research, we found the top digital marketing experts & top digital marketing trainers in different Indian cities. We are highlighting the Top 10 digital marketing experts from different India cities.

    As our review brings Mr Omkar Nath Nandi as a leading digital marketing expert available in all the leading India cities, a little description of his achievements given below.

    IIM Calcutta Alumnus, 11 years’ experience in digital marketing &, Trained 53,000 students across the world. He was Guest Faculty of IIM, Calcutta, IIT, Kharagpur, CIT, Coimbatore, Army Institute of Management, Kolkata. He also worked with the University of Montpellier, France as students guide and mentor. He is an influencer, with his power of writing reflected in his Quora Handle, where he has 3.1 Million views until date. He has worked with leading YouTube channels, mobile application, and Fortune 500 businesses.

    Omkar’s LinkedIn Handle:

    Omkar’s Digital Marketing Learning YouTube Channel:

    Omkar’s Udemy courses:

    Omkar’s Quora Q&A Answers:

    Sunanda’s Kitchen (Omkar & Sunanda’s Cooking channel):

    Let’s now see the top digital marketeers of India and in different cities.

    Let’s now see the top digital marketeers of India and in different cities. Top 10 Digital Marketing Expert in India

    Top 10 Digital Marketing Expert in Bangalore

    As we saw the leading digital marketing experts of India, here we will discuss on the city-based digital marketing experts. Here we are highlighting the names with which if you search in Google, you can easily find them in Bangalore. The digital marketing landscape in Bangalore is enormous, and hundreds of companies work from here to provide services across the world. In the noise of many experts around, you sometimes miss the people who can help you. And occasionally, it becomes difficult to find them in your city as well. It is the reason we tried to find a few professionals who can help you grow your business in Bangalore.

    Top 10 Digital Marketing Expert in Delhi

    Rising competition among hundreds of digital marketing companies in Delhi led many to find for dedicated and experienced digital marketing professionals. It brings a personal touch to work and provide a better solution to digital marketing challenges. Helping in the same for people of Delhi and NCR region, we have formulated a few of the local digital marketing experts list. You can search them by the name in Google to get more details about them and then talk to them and hire them if required.

    Top 10 Digital Marketing Expert in Kolkata

    As online platforms are growing, digital marketing professionals are also increasing in Kolkata. Due to the rise in the number of people available to provide you services, it has become difficult for many to find a suitable person for their online marketing. To plan with a dedicated professional, you need an expert in digital marketing. To help businesses and students to find the experts in Kolkata, we have created this indicative list of professionals. You should be able to find them by a simple search of their name in google or LinkedIn. And then you can talk to them before hiring someone based on the requirement and ability to deliver on that.

    Top 10 Digital Marketing Expert in Mumbai

    A large city like Mumbai, renowned for hosting thousands of businesses in all segments. It is the reason it becomes more difficult to find a dedicated professional in any field. Here we want to help people of Mumbai and businesses of Mumbai. Check the list of experienced and talented digital marketing professionals in Mumbai with us. Connect to them by their name; you should get their contact details quickly using a search engine or a social media site. They are experienced professionals in digital marketing and can bring the best of SEO, SMO, PPC and other marketing for online platforms to help your business grow and help students learn.

    Check one of the top-ranked articles on Google Rank Correction Secret by Mr Omkar Nath Nandi. Here we have discussed in detail which steps the website needs to do if rank lost. I have not found any other article explaining the lost search rank recovery topic in this detail. Here we would also like to mention the Google SEO Updates, which you can read to stay up to date. Let us listen to a small audio presentation about the expertise and experience as a Global Digital Marketing Trainer of Mr Omkar Nath Nandi.

    Let us see how digital marketing experts are training digital marketing professionals who are helping Indian and global businesses. And learn how Free Digital Marketing Courses offered by Mr Omkar Nath Nandi building the foundation of many students free of cost and then building their advanced knowledge with paid courses is opening new career opportunities in digital marketing.

    Digital marketing trainers are bringing their life’s experience to build future professionals. Here we will discuss the career and the top 10 digital marketing experts in India. This article should be a one-stop article for all to collect all related information about digital marketing course and find the trainers they need.

    We bring 3 Types of Training:

    Free Digital Marketing Course:

    $10 – 10 Hours Training in Digital Marketing on Udemy:

    The personalized training comes with the following features:

    Fifteen hours of online recorded learning material, lifetime access. Online study material continues to update as and when needed. Live and interactive teaching through Google Meet, Zoom or other mediums. Live Case study and practice with hands-on training in digital marketing technologies.

    What are the Google Rank Correction Factors?

    You must know secret techniques with which you can maintain website’s Google search ranking. In this Google rank correction article, we have discussed on all those points. Here we have elaborated how some factors if maintained properly can improve your search presence and hold the presence that you already have.

    How to handle Google SEO Updates, How to manage the rank killing changes and where to know what has changed in Google?

    We have meticulously written an article that explains you last 10 years all google updates and will keep informing about the upcoming and current updates. This is a one single stop google update information page that you can refer here latest google SEOs updates.

    What is Digital Marketing?

    Digital marketing is nothing but the promotion or marketing of a service or a website. It involves several platforms on Internet such as Google, Facebook, and many others. The search that you make on any of the search engines produces top 10 results on the first page of the search engine. For ranking any website or content on the first page of Google, a series of activities help comes under it. The higher is your ranking on the search engine; the more likely it is your website to grab visitors.

    Digital Marketing Important Features, Opportunities, and Challenges

    Digital marketing taken as the main term in the entire marketing effort. Under this, many digital channels come, they are websites, social media, mobile apps, email, search engines, etc. All businesses in today’s time need the help of digital marketing to connect to buyers. It helps in real time using powers of Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Search Engine Optimization and other digital lead generation methods to bring maximum return. Reports and statistics suggest that people spend twice as much time online as they did a dozen of years ago. The rise of the internet, smartphones, and other internet-enabled handheld devices has drastically transformed the way people shop and buy products and services. It has rendered traditional ways of marketing a bit ineffective and less profitable for corporations.

    What actually we can find under Digital Marketing

    Although it’s a big, noisy area to differentiate what actually come under this segment of marketing, but we will highlight some important areas that you will deal with. And they are Social, Search, Email, App, Mobile, Content Marketing. All focusing towards building a brand, generating traffic and generating leads from the same. With passion and patience, one need to build a wholesome knowledge and understanding of the subject. It needs to be carefully crafted with real-time hands-on experience to manage the game of digital. Now let’s cover digital channels regularly used in many ways for the above core objectives of marketing.

    Digital Marketing Challenges

    Marketing has, still is, and always will be about connecting with the right people at the right time and the right place. In today’s technologically driven world, an effective and efficient marketing strategy means connecting with the customers where they are most of the time, i.e. the Internet. It is where digital marketing can prove its real worth by attracting, delighting, and converting customers online.

    Paid Search

    Ads in search engines is the most common practice. We do see businesses use social platforms and content platforms for advertising their product, service, or offerings. Here we get to see few famous places Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads and upcoming Quora Ads, Pinterest Ads, Twitter Ads. We also see platforms like Taboola who target content to deliver result-oriented advertisements. The objective is to connect the most related user with correct timing and in correct digital place. Paid ads are very target oriented and generally focus on lead generation.

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Let us start with a typical day-to-day example. You are looking for more information on a good local label manufacturer for your clothing lines. You open Google and type ‘label manufacturers’ in the search box. The chances are that you will usually click on the first few links on the result pages. What happens to me then if I make superior quality ‘Labels’ at a price lower than my competitors and still witness losing out to him on the business front just because his website managed to secure a higher rank for itself in the results returned by Google. It in a simple way explains to you about the advantages and features of having an SEO optimized site. Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the process of optimizing the content, technical setup and reach of your website to attract the attention of search engine robots or crawlers. A well-defined and structured SEO plan enhances your online visibility to be getting the top spot for your websites on the results returned by the search engines.

    Search Optimization

    Search is the most common way a user interact with the web and this is the place where businesses build their presence first, with social platforms following it. If a business doesn’t have proper presentation through search engines, we call it “lack of digital branding”. With that, we focus on finding the correct terms where a business needs presence. If the correct terms are not targetted, then the result will not come to search engine-based traffic. Now with that, there are many areas inside a search engine like map, news, images in all these areas we need to create a need-based presence. If that is not done, business will go to those competitors who have a presence in those places.

    Content Marketing

    Content is the pillar of web. Without content, you are nothing and with good content, you are a superman. You write a good review of a product, you will see the article getting popular and then viral in no time. This not only takes the brand or product to many, it also helps search engines to identify useful and quality content to help searchers.

    Content marketing can resonate more powerfully with your target audience if it is consistent across multiple channels. It is better if you stick with 2-3 messages, as more than that is most likely to confuse your audience. Furthermore, digital marketers must remember that successful content marketing strategy depends significantly upon some painstaking research. You must spend some time and resources gathering information about what your target audience likes, what arouses their curiosity, what dampens their spirit and who or what influences them among other things. It will help you tailor your content in a way the customers are most likely to respond.

    Content marketing used for ages and now also used heavily. When the web started, the need for content felt more than ever. As here people can easily share and read whatever they like, sharing of knowledge and information become a passion and lifestyle for many. Many people earn their livelihood by building content. Increasing web-based searches data forced Google and other search engines to focus more on genuine content. It is important for everyone to understand the need of it. With the rising need of content now, the major thing that looked upon is quality. Just any content will never attract readers, rather content that touches the nerves and builds thrill while reading can keep people interested. Knowing that today’s content builders are using new and more innovative techniques to bring more interesting pieces to us. This is the reason we can see a lot more analytical and well-designed graphical content with lot more advanced videos. One more part that is Paid Marketing also needs good and technically sound images and videos.

    Social Media Marketing

    You are wrong if you assume that social media is all about posting selfies and videos of pets doing some tricks. Many people treat social media as an official search guide, helping them find and discover more about a particular brand before they establish a connection with it. Statistics show that 47 percent of Internet users are on Facebook and an incredible 88 percent of the products purchased are Pinterest pinned. Pointing to the massive growth of social media as an online marketing tool and how marketers can efficiently tap it for commercial gain.

    SMO (Social Media Optimization)

    It is though important to remember that sharing regular posts on your Facebook and Twitter account is not going to do the trick. For the desired result, it is imperative for marketers to embed social elements into every aspect of their marketing. The more engaging and informative the content, the more is its likelihood of getting shared and commented on social media platforms. If a person likes your content and shares a bit, he is also going to turn into your loyal customer. The icing on the cake, of course, is that such people will also invite their friends to try out your products and services.

    E-Mail Marketing

    Close to 70 percent of United States adults have made purchases influenced by a company’s email. Our beloved email has been at the helm of business for the past two decades, but this trend, for now, will continue in the future despite all the hullabaloo associated with other mediums of communication. Email still retains its number one position as the easiest and most efficient way of direct communication. There is a simple logic behind the popularity of this critical media. People stay attached to their mail, and they keep checking their smartphones or computers for the arrival of any new mail. Expert digital marketers adopt at devising successful marketing strategies know very well that just any email will not do. Successful email campaigns need to be informative, relevant, engaging, and appropriate to the purpose. An email marketing campaign efficiently fulfilling the below five mentioned criteria is going to serve your purpose well.

    Trustworthy — People are not going to pay attention to any email they believe has not originated from a reliable source.

    Relevant — when I am looking to buy a new phone, I probably will not be paying much attention to an email informing me about the best quality dog food the company manufactures.

    Conversational — the email should seek to start a conversation by arousing the receiver’s curiosity

    Strategic — the email focus on strategic benefit with objective explanation of benefits.

    Co-ordination — Coordinated well with other communication channels and medium

    Mobile Marketing

    Pew Research shows that over 40 percent of the people in the United States sleep with their smartphones close to them so that they do not miss anything important. Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, and any marketer ignoring this critical mean of personal communication would be doing so at his peril. You will be hard-pressed to mention a time of the day when you do not have your mobile with you. They stay in our pocket, sit next to our working next and even remain close to us when we go to sleep. From videos, messages to in-app advertising, there are different ways in which you can take the help of this important communication medium to convey your messages efficiently.

    The research clearly shows that their 35 percent of the respondents, their digital marketing strategy apparently integrated into their overall marketing strategy. Fewer than half of the businesses said that digital marketing is still not an integral part of their overall marketing strategy. This number, though much less than what it was a few years back, still suggests that many organizations are conducting businesses with no sound digital strategy in place.

    Marketing Automation

    Lack of coordination in your digital marketing communication strategy will lead to all your efforts going waste. With so many channels of digital marketing available, you need a tool that allows you to align all your digital marketing together closely. The absence of a cohesive and coherent marketing strategy will make your entire campaign look like an unfinished jigsaw puzzle with a crucial piece missing. Marketing automation software helps streamline and automate entire marketing tasks and workflows so that you remain acutely aware of the impact your digital marketing mix is generating. Above all, it measures the return on investment (ROI) in real time, allowing the organizations to keep a close tab on the results their marketing and promotional efforts are producing.

    Can you leave without Digital Marketing Any more, if not, why?

    In the world of internet, it has become essential to be a leader in the data market. Brand value and brand awareness have grown vital. It connects people to know you and your business to prosper. All this is not possible without the help of digital marketing. Most of these introduce themselves to new products from digital sources. People also help them with the reviews to make a final decision before they buy. To make the best impression and awareness on the net, you need to know what the top digital marketers in India.

    How can the top 10 digital marketing experts in India change the world?

    Drawing a new path to success, Digital Marketers helping the businesses see growth. Have you ever been on the internet searching for a product or a brand? What happens, if you enter details of the product in the search engine. Within seconds, google displays you the most attractive and the most relevant result.

    How to get a job in digital marketing with advanced digital marketing training online?

    To get job in digital marketing, you first need to know in detail on the following areas.

    Here is a special mention we would like to make about Mr Omkar nath nandi, one of the most renowned and trustable digital marketing trainer, who can build your future pathways in digital marketing. He is working in this field for the last 12 years. He has experience on the subject, starting from working with multibillion-dollar companies to training a leading digital marketing professional. His training on Organic search optimization to the paid advertisement in Google, Bing, Quora or Social Media helped many. He has worked on many sophisticated website’s marketing campaigns to generate positive ROI. He has worked with more than 500 businesses across the world. He also delivered digital marketing training at IIM, Calcutta, IIT, Kharagpur, CIT, Coimbatore, AIM, Kolkata, and University of Montpellier, France.

    Mr Omkar trained hundreds of students and helped many to get their first dream job. He played a vital role for many experienced professionals to get a better career. Many of his students are also working in their own business. The USP of his course is live project-based Google Ads, Bing ads to Facebook ads experience. With his mentoring and guidance, many have achieved a good result in their business and career. From keyword research to competition analysis, you get to learn everything here. You will see live use of top-rated digital marketing tools in his courses. For businesses, his mentoring has bought growth and revenue. To improve organic traffic and search engine rank, you get proper guidance and support. The consistency in his work brings improvement in search engine ranking.

    With the changing landscape of digital technologies, proper training will define how you grow ahead with Digital Marketing. Here you will get all that you expect from the right course. Training delivered through one of the world’s best online training platform Udemy and live interactive classes both. The course deals in the detailed study of the power of digital media to generate traffic, lead, and branding. He covers PPC in detail based on the result-oriented research. He even trains students in building their own or professional website. It is the best place to start your marketing from scratch. Removing all barriers of knowledge, he has hundreds of live articles which is effortless to refer.

    Briefly, Mr Omkar Nath Nandi is a force to reckon with, in the field of digital marketing. He changed the face of businesses for many. With an impeccable presence in many platforms, his authority is clear and evident.

    Businesses can come to him for suggestions to improve the digital lead generation. And students can come with an expectation of a better career in digital marketing. He is the best in digital marketing who can bring every variation of the subject for both.

    Here is a brief data-based explanation of what a business or student will get with us?

    A Discussion on Digital Marketers in India

    Digital marketing is now settling as an industry with a vast scope of the career. Institutions like Harvard, IIM, IIT all started entering this field. They started introducing short-term courses, and we can hope for long-term programs soon. We can see fast progress in internet & other technologies driving the digitization. The growth bought for our challenges and friends in the technological domain. Our friends are Google, Facebook, and other such platforms. In this article, we will be discussing the best digital marketers in India.

    Now, there are two cases here:

    Product Search:

    You searched for a product irrespective of the brand. You received the top 10 results for the relevant product. It is less likely that you will be surfing the next page to buy the product. So, why the website you clicked ranked high in the search engine? Even if you do not know the brand, the top-ranking assures you that the product is genuine, and you can buy it.

    Brand name Search:

    While searching on any search engine, the brand did not show up on the first page of the search engine. You checked out the second page of the search engine, and you still did not find anything relevant. Then you went to the third page of the search engine, and there it is that you found the brand on the bottom of the page. It raised a question in your mind of the brand value. Now you are in an opinion that the brand name is not good enough, and you must avoid it. Now, this makes it clear how the sales of a product affected by the lack of use of digital marketing.

    One Case Study on Digital Marketing Growth

    When Gionee ELife E7 launched in India, its preparation started from Feb 2014. The process began when the phone launched in the global market. The USP is its camera quality; in this segment, there was no other phone to provide a 16MP rear and 8MP front camera. The phone did not fall short of the features.

    With a reasonable budget for digital marketing, a company could grab attention on all the leading social media platforms. They created landing pages, created bloggers contest.

    They also took online surveys to raise awareness in Gionee book, a racing track that symbolized the speed of technology. It invited many bloggers and journalist and media personal. The start was a big success, and today we all know what Gionee E7 is in the market. The success speaks for itself.

    Why should you hire the top digital marketing professional highlighted by us?

    As per Adobe and CMO board, about 96% of marketers in India accept digital marketing is the best to beat rivals. It is a way of staying ahead of competitors. In the contemporary world, digital marketing is becoming indispensable. Unfortunately, many talent surveys revealed that the nation has very few experts. Nonetheless, some talents are coming out. They provide credible help in the field of digital marketing.

    How digital marketing is helping businesses in COVID-19 lockdown.

    In the coronavirus affected world, the only mode of business available for many is the online mode. And this is the reason people working on online platforms or websites marketing are in high demand. COVID-19 changed the world forever. And this effect is here to stay for long.

    Thus, businesses are adopting new marketing and technology with digital marketing professionals. Now exactly where they are getting help if we want to know that the few following points would explain the same better.

    Important reasons you need a cohesive and well-connected digital marketing strategy

    Where should you start if you wish to develop a coherent, coordinated, and efficient digital strategy? Experts believe it is not a complicated process as earlier thought. But still, most marketers and organizations find the entire process bewildering.

    Few essential and popular Frequently Asked Questions related to the search of top 10 digital marketing experts are:

    Why should you learn digital marketing?

    Digital Marketing can open new opportunities for your career and bring faced-paced growth as well.

    How can digital marketing course help a student?

    Digital marketing course help students get into job fast. It also builds industry-ready skills for students.

    How can digital marketing course help a professional?

    For a professional, it can bring change in their career. It can also help understand the new technologies that can perform better in the current situation. It can also open opportunities for entrepreneurs to increase business.

    What is the scope with digital marketing in future?

    The scope is bright, very bright. As we can see, digital marketing changed the way businesses connect buyers and buyers make a research-based purchase; it will further help the industry work on data-driven marketing.

    Who is the best digital marketing trainer?

    Mr Omkar Nath Nandi is among the best digital marketing trainer we suggest.

    Is online digital marketing training practical?

    Yes, indeed, online digital marketing is changing many lives. Even Google also offer all courses online.

    What are areas you can explore inside digital marketing?

    You can explore some specific fields, such as:

    What skills needed to become a digital marketing professional?

    One can start with the necessary skills of Google Ads and Google Search-Compliant SEO practices.

    Which skill has the highest demand in the market?

    Search Engine Ad and Search Engine Optimization is the highest demand course.

    How digital marketing played a vital role in Covid-19 market?

    Digital marketing connected millions of people and helped thousands of businesses stay functional even during a global pandemic. The primary source of lead generation currently is now digital marketing. Thus, we can see that many digital companies are growing during this pandemic.

    How can you be an excellent digital marketeer?

    To be an excellent digital marketeer, I believe one needs to have a strong understanding of the website, google ad, Facebook ad, image designing tools, SEO analysis tools and above all search engine optimization.

    Is digital marketing a good career option for engineers?

    Yes, it is a perfect option because, now AI, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing are merging with digital marketing. For an engineer, it becomes easy to learn these subjects with a touch of digital and for recruiters also it becomes easy to filter the CV.

    Does Google Ad Certification help in getting a job?

    Yes, it helps in getting a job. But, with certification, one needs to know how to plan and run Google Ads in practical.

    What are the certifications available in digital marketing?

    Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, HubSpot, Hootsuite, SEO Tools own certifications are available in digital marketing.

    Which certifications are the essential certifications?

    Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads are the most important one.

    What does a recruiter expect from a fresher digital marketing professional?

    Other than basics, correct and certified a recruiter expect him to stay dedicated and learn fast. Furthermore, expect him to be a good team player.

    What does a company expect from an experienced digital marketing professional?

    An experienced digital marketeer expected to drive the entire digital momentum, build strategy, and create a digital footprint that can generate business.

    Who founded digital marketing?

    Digital Marketing not founded by any single individual, it instead evolved as a subject with the changing technological footprint.

    What are the types of digital marketing?

    There are a few types available; one needs to be capable enough to work on many platforms.

    What is the future of digital marketing?

    Future of digital marketing is perfect. Students will get a bright career with it.

    Who is the father of marketing mix?

    The 4 Ps, in its modern form first proposed in 1960 by E. Jerome McCarthy and later Phillip Kotler, popularized this approach.

    Who Discovered marketing?

    Phillip Kotler considered having invented the word marketing.

    How old is digital marketing?

    I would say it is still not two decades old, as it mostly evolved to this position in the last ten years.

    Where is digital marketing used?

    Digital Marketing used for every business online marketing and promotion. It also helps build an excellent digital profile.

    When did Social media emerge?

    Social emerged from 2000 with the rise of few sites and gradually, today’s Facebook and Twitter came in.

    What does Digital mean?

    Digital means the presence in online mediums or online platforms.

    What is the digital landscape?

    Digital landscape means the scope or websites on which one works to build the digital presence.

    What are the benefits of digital marketing?

    Digital marketing can create a digital presence, increase digital reach, increase business from digital sources.

    Who is Kotler in marketing?

    Philip Kotler was a professor of Kellogg Graduate School of Management.

    What is Digital Marketing introduction?

    Introduction means giving necessary information’s, the same applies to digital marketing as well.

    How did digital media start?

    It started because the increased number of people began engaging with digital devices.

    What is the scope of digital marketing in India?

    The scope of it is good, and businesses can benefit from it as well.

    Why is it called digital?

    It’s called digital because all the works done in digital platforms or through digital mediums.

    What is a digital perspective?

    Digital perspective means understanding or judging something according to the need of digital platforms.

    What does digital mean in business?

    Moving to the digital side of the business, it means starting a website or starting the promotion and marketing of a business online.

    Explanatory answers with few FAQs:

    Businesses look for what qualities in a digital marketing expert?

    Businesses expect some specific qualities from digital marketeer. And they are related to search engine optimization, social media marketing, pay per click advertisement management for search engine and social media. Other than these, some other things are content writing, managing a content marketing movement to managing an SEO Team. From an expert, we can expect him to build strategy and successfully implement that.

    He should be capable of hiring the required professional’s in the house or freelanced. Whatever is the need? He should find defects in his web presence and compete with competitor’s presence. As many businesses have less fund, building a website also becomes difficult for them. To complete, the same company looks for coordination of many teams or departments.

    So, the person must be a team player and ready to accept other’s views. Moving ahead with these the analysis part comes, here the expert would need to analyse own web presence and competitor’s presence in all competitive parameters. Once the work completes, the process starts to find the defects with business and improve on them. It is a team activity, and dedicated effort needed to get a result. It builds the competitive presence in search, social and all other prospective places online. The top 10 digital marketing expert in India focus on increasing digital qualities of a website.

    Who is the best digital marketer in India?

    It isn’t easy to point out an individual as best in digital marketing. However, while hiring one, you should check his work and experience. Check if he is lying on the job or not? Whether he just worked in some good companies but not for good projects? What are his achievements with different digital platforms? How much traffic could he bring to the websites through organic and paid advertisement?

    How much was the conversion and how far he achieved the target? It is essential to check his social and search presence. Ask him to write something or check his writing to see his writing potential? It will help you judge how far he can help a content marketing team to build a presence in search engine and social sites? How many SEO tools he handled and, which are they? How much flexible he is to work on deliverables and work towards achieving the target?

    These questions will give you an idea. How well is the person and how much benefit he can bring to your organization. And these will also give you an understanding which is best on the job? It is not always easy to hire the best on the market, but a knowledgeable person with experience is good enough to build and lead your winning digital marketing movement. Mr Omkar Nath Nandi has worked to reach among the top 10 digital marketing experts in India.

    How many digital marketers are there in India?

    According to the data visible in the recruitment website’s or through social channels like LinkedIn, we can see thousands are there. However, before calling every one of the digital marketers, we should judge them on their knowledge, experience, and skills. I have faced great difficulty while hiring a competent and dedicated digital marketing professional.

    People with expertise also found to have incomplete theoretical knowledge & capability to understand or implement things in SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, or creative creation. So to be very specific. Many have come in top 10 digital marketing expert in India, but few have stayed there for long.

    Who is the father of digital marketing?

    Philip Kotler, called the father of modern marketing. During my management college or studying the digital marketing strategies in IIM, Calcutta, none of my experienced teachers could specify any one person as the father of digital marketing. It is because of the subject’s nature. Marketing defined in a particular format by Mr Kotler with few guidelines and rules that could prove them even after many decades.

    However, for digital marketing, the same is impossible as the website’s, applications or platforms come and go through time. And any guideline for a platform will not be applicable for the other platforms. Above all, today’s popular website can go out of business in minimal time and might need to close as well. It is called disruptive business environment. Here, changes happen fast. So, it isn’t easy to define or bind things under one definition. It proves how difficult it is to stay among the top 10 digital marketing expert in India.

    Who is the best digital marketer in the world?

    While finding the best in the world, we generally look for the platform’s, they built or companies they transformed. Rand Frishkin, Neil Patel, Brian Dean are few we can definitely count. Here they belong to some top products in digital marketing, and they have also worked with leading companies around the world to help they find vital areas where growth is possible and reasons why conversions are low. I can say because I have worked for many leading retail websites where I have seen these products. Furthermore, their suggestions taken as a guideline to build future products or change existing products.

    Which digital marketing is best?

    Most possibly, this question is specifying the strategy, not marketing. When we speak for digital marketing strategy, many things need a check. It includes the current market trend of user involvement. Google Analytics indicated organic or direct traffic flow. Do social media sites bring good traffic for us? What will generate more interest among our target users?

    How much is natural traffic acquisition possible from critical terms? How much will be paid to traffic to be profitable for the organization? Which one will bring more ROI? Beyond this, many factors will be there, which will help in building a comprehensive strategy for the organization. Once a plan formed, implemented, and tested, we get to know which method is best for the target organization or person.

    Which companies use digital marketing?

    It is the age of digital. Which company does not use it? I would instead ask that if anyone not uses the power of a technology easily accessible by anyone, then they are missing big on business. Now coming to the real answer, I can say millions of companies use digital marketing. Just take as an example of how many sites Google crawl? Businesses registered in yellow page sites around the world? Companies in local search available across the globe.

    How many have a social media handle or a social page? You will understand it is just beginning we get to see while millions using it to interact with users every day. Top six digital marketing channels where businesses interact are social media — 80%, website — 78%, Email — 69%, Display/Banner Ads — 55%, Mobile App — 53%, Content Marketing — 53%. Based on these data from Clutch 2018 survey and other resources, we found that 44% of businesses include SEO in their digital marketing strategy. Now, these data points indicate more than 70% of businesses using digital as a genuine way to earn higher revenue.

    Who is the god of marketing?

    Of course, there is no god of marketing. God is that person for you who can work and bring result. Whenever you think of a person who has good publicity will be good for your marketing, it may not be accurate. You need to judge and find people who are hard-working and want to bring change to your organization.

    Who introduced the 4ps of marketing?

    Jerome McCarthy, a professional marketer, and professor at Michigan State University created the concept and explained the same in a book by Borden. Here he presented the idea of the “4 PS,” a term that is in use until today. In 1960, McCarthy co-wrote the book “Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach,” further popularizing the idea of the 4 PS.


    The professionals listed among top 10 digital marketing expert in India, ranked according to their expertise. Instead, they are people I have engaged and appreciated through their incredible talent. This list is not exhaustive, more talent exists in Indian digital marketing.

    Digital Marketing Experts List

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    Digital marketing experts in delhi
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    Digital marketing experts in ahmedabad
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    Digital marketing experts in jaipur

    Digital Marketing Training Providers List

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    Digital marketing training in hyderabad
    Digital marketing training in ahmedabad
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    Digital marketing training in jaipur

    Corporate Digital Marketing Training Institutes List

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    Corporate Digital marketing training in delhi
    Corporate Digital marketing training in gurgaon
    Corporate Digital marketing training in noida
    Corporate Digital marketing training in bangalore
    Corporate Digital marketing training in hyderabad
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    Corporate Digital marketing training in kolkata
    Corporate Digital marketing training in surat
    Corporate Digital marketing training in pune
    Corporate Digital marketing training in jaipur

    Digital Marketing Trainers List

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    Digital marketing trainer in delhi
    Digital marketing trainer in gurgaon
    Digital marketing trainer in noida
    Digital marketing trainer in bangalore
    Digital marketing trainer in hyderabad
    Digital marketing trainer in ahmedabad
    Digital marketing trainer in chennai
    Digital marketing trainer in kolkata
    Digital marketing trainer in surat
    Digital marketing trainer in pune
    Digital marketing trainer in jaipur

    Digital Marketing Course List

    Digital marketing course in mumbai
    Digital marketing course in delhi
    Digital marketing course in gurgaon
    Digital marketing course in noida
    Digital marketing course in bangalore
    Digital marketing course in hyderabad
    Digital marketing course in ahmedabad
    Digital marketing course in chennai
    Digital marketing course in kolkata
    Digital marketing course in surat
    Digital marketing course in pune
    Digital marketing course in jaipur

    Digital Marketing Companies List

    Digital marketing companies in mumbai
    Digital marketing companies in delhi
    Digital marketing companies in gurgaon
    Digital marketing companies in noida
    Digital marketing companies in bangalore
    Digital marketing companies in hyderabad
    Digital marketing companies in ahmedabad
    Digital marketing companies in chennai
    Digital marketing companies in kolkata
    Digital marketing companies in surat
    Digital marketing companies in pune
    Digital marketing companies in jaipur

    List of Computer Training Institutes to Progress to Digital Marketing Career

    Computer Training Institutes in mumbai
    Computer Training Institutes in delhi
    Computer Training Institutes in gurgaon
    Computer Training Institutes in noida
    Computer Training Institutes in bangalore
    Computer Training Institutes in hyderabad
    Computer Training Institutes in ahmedabad
    Computer Training Institutes in chennai
    Computer Training Institutes in kolkata
    Computer Training Institutes in surat
    Computer Training Institutes in pune
    Computer Training Institutes in jaipur

    Free Digital Marketing Courses List

    1. E-Commerce Certification
    2. Affiliate Marketing Certification
    3. Blogging Certification
    4. Content Marketing Certification
    5. Email Marketing Certification
    6. Online Marketing Certification
    7. SEO Certification
    8. Social Media Marketing Certification
    9. Search Engine Marketing Certification
    10. Web Analytics Certification
    11. Digital Marketing Certification
    12. Small Business Marketing Certification
    13. WordPress Website Creation Certification
    14. Viral & Hashtag Marketing Certification
    15. TikTok Marketing Certification
    16. Facebook Marketing Certification
    17. Twitter Marketing Certification
    18. Pinterest Marketing Certification
    19. Reddit Marketing Certification
    20. Link Building Certification
    21. Lead Generation Certification
    22. Google Ad Management Certification
    23. Quora Marketing Certification
    24. Motivation Expert Certification
    25. Public Speaking Certification
    26. Education Consultant Certification
    27. Yoga Guru Certification
    28. Earn Online From Home Expert Certification
    29. Online Teaching Certification
    30. Tour and Travel Guide Certification
    31. Business Coach Certification
    32. Local Business Marketing Certification
    33. Marketing Management Certification
    34. Sales Management Certification
    35. Team Management Certification
    36. Market Survey Certification
    37. Data Analyst Certification
    38. MS Excel Beginner Certification
    39. MS Word Beginner Certification
    40. MS PowerPoint Beginner Certification
    41. Networking Guru Certification
    42. MLM Certification
    43. Content Writer Certification
    44. Content Research Certification
    45. PhD Research Helper Certification
    46. Business Assignment Writer Certification
    47. College Assignment Writer Certification
    48. Freelancing Expert Certification
    49. Bidding Expert Certification
    50. Cooking Beginner Certification
    51. Computer Repair Beginner Certification
    52. Creative Writer Certification
    53. Weight Loss Guide Certification
    Online Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore
    Electronics City Phase 1, Neeladri Nagar, Electronics City Phase 1, Electronic City, Bengaluru, Karnataka,Electronics City Phase 1,Electronic City, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560100-Bengaluru, Karnataka 560100
    Starting on
    October 15, 2020
    Ending on
    January 15, 2021
    We assure #1 Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore, We bring for you:
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