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Google Ranking Factors With Corrections

Google Ranking Factors With Corrections, Search Engine Ranking Secret

Google Ranking Factors With Corrections, Search Engine Ranking Secret

Google ranking factors with corrections and SEO correction

Here we will discuss on Google ranking factor correction, SEO correction, SERP correction for any website who is impacted by any violation of Google’s policies or by any new update. The main reference article for different Google search updates.

A List of all important Google Search Updates in the last 3 years.

YearUpdate NameDateDuration
2023October 2023 core update5-Oct-2313 days, 23 hours
2023October 2023 spam update4-Oct-2315 days, 12 hours
2023September 2023 helpful content update14-Sep-2313 days, 11 hours
2023August 2023 core update22-Aug-2316 days, 3 hours
2023April 2023 reviews update12-Apr-2313 days, 2 hours
2023March 2023 core update15-Mar-2313 days, 7 hours
2023February 2023 product reviews update21-Feb-2314 days
2022December 2022 link spam update14-Dec-2238 days
2022October 2022 spam update19-Oct-222 days
2022September 2022 product reviews update20-Sep-226 days
2022September 2022 core update12-Sep-2214 days
2022August 2022 helpful content update25-Aug-2215 days
2022July 2022 product reviews update27-Jul-226 days
2022May 2022 core update25-May-2215 days
2022March 2022 product reviews update23-Mar-2214 days
2022Page experience update for desktop22-Feb-229 days
2021December 2021 product reviews update1-Dec-2120 days
2021November 2021 core update17-Nov-2113 days
2021November 2021 spam update3-Nov-218 days, 1 hour
2021July 2021 link spam update26-Jul-2129 days
2021July 2021 core update1-Jul-2111 days
2021June 2021 spam update (two parts)28-Jun-2123 hours, 59 minutes
2021June 2021 spam update (two parts)23-Jun-2123 hours, 59 minutes
2021Page experience update for mobile15-Jun-2179 days
2021June 2021 core update2-Jun-2110 days
2021April 2021 product reviews update8-Apr-2114 days
2020December 2020 core update3-Dec-2013 days
2020May 2020 core update4-May-2014 days
2020January 2020 core update13-Jan-203 days
Reference for the content taken from Google Search Status Dashboard

Google Rank Correction Solutions:

Google Search Ranking Updates and suggested solutions that can be used by any website

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: October 2023 core update

Corrective steps:

Core updates are broad updates to Google’s search algorithm that aim to improve the quality of search results for users. There is no specific set of corrective steps that you can take to recover from a core update, as the impact of the update will vary from website to website. However, there are some general things that you can do to improve your website’s chances of ranking well in Google search results, including:

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: October 2023 spam update

Corrective steps:

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: September 2023 helpful content update

Corrective steps:

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: August 2023 core update

Corrective steps:

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: April 2023 reviews update

Corrective steps:

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: March 2023 core update

Corrective steps:

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: February 2023 product reviews update

Corrective steps:

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: December 2022 link spam update. This update is global and affects all languages. The rollout was complete as of January 12, 2023.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: December 2022 helpful content update, which improves our classifier and works across content globally in all languages. The rollout was complete as of January 12, 2023.

By focusing on user experience and providing high-quality, original content, you can help protect your website from any negative effects of Google’s emphasis on helpful and relevant content.”

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: October 2022 spam update. This update is global and affects all languages. The rollout was complete as of October 21, 2022.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: September 2022 product reviews update. This update applies to English-language product reviews. The rollout was complete as of September 26, 2022.

By focusing on high-quality, accurate product reviews and providing a positive customer experience, you can help protect your website from negative effects of any updates related to product reviews and maintain a strong online presence.”

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: September 2022 core update. The rollout was complete as of September 26, 2022.

By following these best practices and focusing on high-quality, relevant content, you can help retain your website’s search rankings in the face of Google’s 2022 Core Update or any other algorithm updates.”

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Google is rewriting SERP title tags, Launched in August 2021:

A recent study by MOZ showed that, on average, Google is rewriting SERP title tags by around 12 words. This means that, if you want your site to rank highly, you need to make sure that your title tag accurately reflects the content of your page.

You can use the free SERP title tag tool by SEO MOZ or others to see how your title tag compares to those of your competitors. If it’s shorter than the majority of other titles, you may want to consider lengthening it.

Keep in mind that the title tag is just one part of your overall SEO strategy, and you should also make sure that your site is properly optimized for other factors such as keyword density, inbound links, and page speed.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Google Update on qualifying links and link spam policy, Launched on July 26, 2021:

What are the things you should do to build backlinks after qualifying links and link spam policy update?

You should ensure that following tagging conventions are used when applicable:

Affiliate links: “rel=sponsored”
Sponsored links: “rel=sponsored”
Guest posting: “rel=nofollow”

Never pay for the backlinks and specially for low-value websites backlinks. Low value can be less DA, PA or high negative linked sites.
Never join any link building or link exchange programme. In most of the sites involved in these cases are risky.
Don’t ask for or join any agreement or contract to share backlinks or get backlinks.
Always avoid black hat link building or link generator tools that only bring thousands of backlinks of no value.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Page Experience Update, Launched in May 2021:

Google updated the page experience parameters to make it more user-friendly and intuitive. Here are few guidelines on page experience update that will help you optimize your website better and achieve good page experience score.

A. Core Web Vitals (CWV) are a set of webpage performance metrics developed by Google. It helps measure and then improve the qualitative user experience. The metrics used under this are:

a. Largest Contentful Paint(LCP) related to page loading speed.
b. First input delay (FID) relates to the delay in initial rendering of the large size content in a webpage. It tries to improve interactivity.
c. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) relates to visual stability of web page content.

B. Mobile usability: This confirms the requirement of a webpage to be mobile-friendly in all screen sizes.
C. Security Issues: Security issues such as presence of malicious content, malware, non HTTPS URL’s or any other things that create a threat for the users degrade and gradually remove a website from Google.
D. HTTPS usage: The use of SSL is now a compulsion for any website who envision to optimize and gain good search rank in Google.
E. Ad Experience: No more a website owner can host distracting, interrupting or non-conductive to user experience advertising as that will reduce the SEO score of a webpage.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: In April 2021 Google launched Product Reviews Update. Google recommended content creators to follow a few guidelines in creating product reviews. They are:

1. Provide appropriate and expert knowledge about any product, don’t just leave small information about the product.
2. Proper display through images and videos to show how the product actually looks physically. How it can be used with detailed user guidance to use the product beyond what manufacturer has given.
3. Clear and concise quantitative measurements about the product’s performance in different use conditions.
4. Give proper explanation why the reviewed product stands apart from other similar products.
5. Compare other products feature by feature to provide detailed understanding about the product.
6. Cover the growth and changes that happened with the product like previous models, releases and how that improved it and what issues are resolved with the updates. This should help a buyer decide to buy the item.
7. Explain the decision-making factors for the products category and explain them for the product you are reviewing.
8. Explain the dangers and user safety that your product brings, among other benefits.
9. Engage users to discuss on the user experience and share their experience.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Old Domain’s benefit and Myth:

The myth was an old domain is considered to be more trustworthy than to a new one, but in recent times the importance of age count is less in SEO. Now still why I am discussing it because of few following reasons:

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Keyword in Domain:

Keywords used in the Domain to define the ranking back in time, but with Google’s EMD (Exact Match Domain) update it lost its glory. Although, it doesn’t mean at all that keyword should be neglected. Hence, it will be better not just to depend on a keyword phrase. You can see many interesting case studies on EMD domains such as, they have lost the ranking due to EMD update and had to do a lot to bring back the ranking. But I can tell you it still holds some value or importance. In Bing, though any such EMD update is not visible and on Yahoo also we don’t see it, and as they hold good market share, you can keep other domains with your company’s primary Domain as a support line to get few free optimization.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Domain Name starts with keyword:

Here you benefit if you keep some other no keyword term followed by keyword term in the Domain, your SERP will help. But do remember that the beginning of a domain with keyword doesn’t do all the work. You will still need to work on its SEO as a regular website. It will just add to your job.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Subdomains with keyword:

Here comes your opportunity to build more keyword dependent subdomain under your brand name holding domain. It’s a separate entity than your domain, so they can be ranked. While optimization improves subdomains rank, we can understand the presence of keywords in URL helps this process. It helps you to add additional information on your domain name such as place name, items name, person’s name, etc. Overall, keyword-based subdomains help in overall SEO strategy.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: The Domain History: will give you the history of a site if you see a domain used for a porn site or an illegal business, then do you think it can benefit you? Search engines are continuously checking numerous web pages with all their content and inbound and outbound links on the internet to improve their search results. If they find bad links and bad quality content with bad historical data, the rank of sites can fall. These adverse effects can get corrected with further good work, and back link disavows process.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: EMD of Exact Match Domain:

Google’s EMD update is no less than a nightmare for niche marketers who used exact keyword matching domain as a tool to win over better sites. The only way to keeps a new and content rich site if you ever purchased such a domain, and now you can’t leave it. Read the Point (1) for detail discussion on EMD and keyword-based domains.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Public domain registration VS Private domain registration:

Probably the most controversial topic on SEO rankings factor. Hidden Domain data is not right in my view, as only illegal business owners will do it. Even google’s own domain’s ownership is also easily visible on WHOIS. So, there is no such difference or effect due to this on your SEO.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: If you are a penalized site owner or optimizer, will your sites face any penalty:

If you are an identified spammer, then stay alerted for all your domains to face the penalty. We are here to make money by business, and Google is also doing the same. If you are a spammer, Google won’t keep you or any of your presence on its site. So, stay safe and play well.


Yes .in domains are more preferred in India than us and likewise .uk domains are more preferred in the UK. So, it’s obvious that Google will give preference to country-based TLD for local and region-specific businesses.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Title with Keyword:

Title holds a critical place in SEO because it is clearly visible in any search engine’s result. From that location, search engines pull up relevant terms as keywords. Here a factor called keyword manipulation also done, so be careful of stuffing keywords in it than maintaining a proper and healthy sentence.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Description carries keyword in it:

Description is that place where you can keep 165 characters, and in that, you can mention keywords and a little description of the page as well. Here you can also place phone number or contact details if needed. A search engine gives importance to this place, and that’s why placing keywords in it benefits the website

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Keyword Appears in H1 Tag:

Although the importance of header tag, i.e. H1-H6 are reducing, and they no longer provide the same value to a page as it used to do before. As per latest Google crawling behaviour, the usage of the tag scene in 60% of sites for ranking the URLs. Most sites don’t even use keywords in title tags. Now search engines check the content and then analysing the same ranks the sites. For ON-Page SEO it is going to stay but don’t have much impact as before.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Use of Keyword in the Body of a Web Page, How Google tackle keyword spamming or stuffing?


Here we will start our discussion with a few studies done by other leading web search and analytics companies.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords in Content (LSI) Keyword:

LSI looks for synonyms of the title of your page. It’s not worded by word synonym, dear. For example, if the title of a page is “top 100 SEO companies in India” the page should have companies names as well, such as “Extensive Ideas, ranking by SEO or others.”

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Page Loading Speed:

Google and Bing both use this factor to rate web pages. Google long back indicated that site’s speed is a ranking factor. Every single page has different loading time, and that depends on the content. As SEO now done on page level than domain level, fast loading pages are essential for their good performance. Now how to achieve it:

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Content Duplicity, a fight against content piracy:

Now with 7 Trillion pages and single language to support the battle for original content, the only hope how creative you are as a writer, thinker, and adapter. Adapting and knowing latest technological or trade or choice wise changes help you to build unique content as a pioneer. Now what are the content duplicity issues most discussed are:


It defines the ownership of content. In the process, you can mention the ownership of content in your site to any author or even to any website as well. For e-commerce sites where one product sold on multiple sites, then it comes as a help. So if you have a large amount of same data on your website, you can canonicalize them to inform Google about their originality.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Date of Content Updates and its latest year status importance:

If you see a content written one or two years ago, then you may not be interested in getting information from it if you have the latest article with you. Google also like updated contents or updated pages.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Historical Updates Page Updates:

A site owner must be super active to provide rich and accurate information to viewers. So with the frequency of page content update with proper chronological update track record provides useful information to users. If you can properly use data markup in your subsequent data markup with appropriate schema, then getting highlighted in top Google searches with Snippets is not an impossible task to achieve.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Image Optimization:

Images play a vital role in bringing an understanding of your website, business and personality. It is perhaps the only reason social media gained such popularity. Now today’s age needs you to be Image Savvy so best of your capacity can be expressed to your readers and followers. If you want to build a healthy and active image-based personality, then the necessary things that are needed as follows:

  1. Place images on your server, don’t upload a picture or use URL images from other sites.
  2. Use a clear and proper ALT tag for every image.
  3. Upload images in multiple image sharing sites and social media separately and with the page URL which has the image.
  4. Use image URL like this (HTTP s: // www. from your domain and share it across other sites to improve the visibility of the picture under your domain.
  5. These process will bring your image in Google Images and Other image searches with a point server as your website in most of the cases.

UPDATE AND SOLUTION: Content Update and its Update Date, How much importance it holds while looking for any content or clicking on any URL in Google search result: Whenever we see the time of update of the content, the first thing that strikes us it’s too old to follow or yeah, it’s the latest write lets read it. As a human, we go through this process every time we search for content. Following this rule, Search Engines also work accordingly, So, what they look forward from you regarding it:

  1. The date of the content must be updated. It showcases that we are working on our content and not just dumping the site with content which is left forever as it is.
  2. Try to understand Google now has 130 Trillion Pages to crawl and update its search data if you don’t refresh the pages it will have someone doing it or someone posting new content on the same topic, their content will get preference over your content. Don’t let this to happen and keep the contents updated.
  3. Now it’s not any more those days when you can post 100 contents with different keywords in your site, and the site will rank in all of them. Google has started its humanization of the search results. It will look for real answers from your content. Which means, build content that speaks about the solution, not about a hint. Only if your content provides a real solution to any problem with detail data, Google will prefer it, and even users will also enjoy reading it.

A few more queries related to the same question are commonly asked by many as we found in Google Search, we have tried to answer a few of them here.

How do you rank No 1 on Google?

The most important thing to do is focus on your website niche. For example, if you are a plumber, make sure you only blog about plumbing. Don’t blog about plumbing and real estate. This will make it hard for your website to rank because Google will think your website is about real estate.To get started, make sure you create great content that is at least 1,000 words long. This will make it easier for Google to find your website and give it a higher ranking.

In addition, make sure you use relevant keywords throughout your website. This will help Google understand what your website is about and give it a higher ranking.Finally, make sure you promote your website on social media and other websites. This will help Google find your website and give it a higher ranking.

How do you appear higher on Google?

There is no guarantee that any specific action will result in a higher position in Google’s search results. However, there are several things you can do to improve your chances of appearing higher in search results. Some general tips include: — Making sure your website is well-designed and easy to use — Creating high-quality, original content that is relevant to your target audience — Building links from other websites to yours — Using relevant keywords throughout your website and in your titles and descriptions.

How can I rank up faster on Google?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some general tips that may help include creating high-quality content, optimizing your website for search engines, and building links to your website.

What should you not do in SEO?

There are many things you should not do in SEO, but some of the most important things to avoid are: — Keyword stuffing — Copy/pasting content from other sources — Building links from low-quality sources — Publishing duplicate or thin content — Using excessive amounts of anchor text — Not mobile friendly — Slow loading website — Bad user experience

What is toxic score in SEO?

There is no such thing as a toxic score in SEO. However, there are several metrics that can be used to gauge the health of a website, including its organic traffic, backlink profile, and keyword rankings.

What are ranking factors?

Ranking factors are the factors that search engines consider when determining the ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How can I recover my SEO?

If you have lost your SEO, there are a few things you can do to try to recover it. First, check your Google Analytics to see if you can identify any patterns in the drop in traffic. If you see a significant drop in traffic from a specific country or region, it is likely that your SEO has been affected by a Google penalty. If you are not sure what caused the drop in traffic, you can try contacting Google for more information. You can also try reaching out to other websites in your industry to see if they have experienced a similar drop in traffic. Finally, you can try using some tips in this article to improve your SEO.

What affects Google’s ranking?

There are many factors that can affect Google’s ranking, such as the quality of the content, the number of links, the loading speed of the page, and the user experience.

What really influences a Google ranking of the top 15 factors?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as Google’s algorithms are constantly evolving and becoming more complex. However, some of the factors that are believed to influence a Google ranking include the quality and quantity of inbound links, the relevancy of the content on the page, the use of keywords, and the overall user experience.

Does Google disclose its ranking factors?

No. Google does not disclose its ranking factors.

Why does my Google ranking keep changing?

There are many potential reasons why your Google ranking might be changing. It could be due to an algorithm update from Google, a change in your website’s content, or even something as simple as increased competition in your industry. If you’re noticing a sudden drop in your ranking, it’s important to investigate the cause, so you can take steps to improve your ranking.

Why did my site’s Google ranking drop?

There could be several reasons why your site’s Google ranking has dropped. It could be due to a change in Google’s algorithms, a negative SEO attack, or simply because your site is not as strong as it used to be. If you’re not certain why your ranking has dropped, you can use Google’s Webmaster Tools to get additional information.

What are the 3 key ranking factors that Google uses in their algorithm?

1. The quality and quantity of inbound links to a website.

2. The relevancy and quality of the website’s content.

3. The website’s PageRank.

How can I improve my Google ranking in 2022?

There is no easy answer when it comes to improving your Google ranking. However, there are a few things you can do to help your website rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Some things you can do to improve your ranking include: 1. Optimize your website for search engines. 2. Create quality content that is relevant to your niche. 3. Promote your website through social media and other online channels. 4. Build links to your website from high-quality websites. 5. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. 6. Use Google My Business to optimize your local SEO. 7. Monitor your website’s technical aspects, such as its load time and using SSL certificates. 8. Regularly update your website’s content. 9. Keep an eye on your website’s backlink profile. 10. Use tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor your website’s performance.

What kind of links harm your rankings?

Links from low-quality websites, links from sites with a lot of spam, and links from sites that are not relevant to your site can all harm your rankings.

Does direct traffic affect SEO?

Direct traffic can impact SEO if the traffic is coming from a source that is not optimized for search engines. This can happen if the website is not using proper keyword targeting or if the website is not optimized for mobile devices.

Does Google penalize paid links?

Many say, Google does not penalize paid links, but you will find many documentations where it says it’s strictly prohibited. I would say for the postings that is not possible without any payment like a PR doesn’t bring the negative effect but pure buying of backlink will definitely cause problem.

How do backlinks impact my rankings?

Backlinks impact your rankings by helping your website become more visible to search engines. The more backlinks you have, the more likely your website is to appear in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Is .com Domain good for SEO?

Yes, .com domains are good for SEO. They are the most popular top-level domain (TLD), so they tend to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, .com domains are often seen as more credible and trustworthy than other TLDs.

Can I rank a website with any other TLD than .com?

Yes, you can rank a website with any other TLD than .com. However, .com domains are typically seen as more credible and trustworthy than other TLDs, so they may have an advantage in SERPs. Additionally, .com domains are the most popular TLD, so they tend to have more search engine traffic than other TLDs.

How can I recover my SEO traffic?

There is no one size fits all answer to this question, as the best way to recover SEO traffic will vary depending on the specific situation. However, some common methods for recovering SEO traffic include: — Identifying and resolving any technical issues on your website that may be causing your traffic to drop. — Improving the quality of your website content to make it more relevant and engaging for your target audience. — Promoting your website through social media and other online channels. — Building backlinks to your website from high-quality websites. — Working with a professional SEO company to develop and implement an effective SEO strategy.

How do I get my traffic back after Google ranks drop?

There is no sure-fire answer, but some basic steps include improving site content, increasing social media engagement, and building more backlinks.

How often does Google change their algorithm?

Google’s algorithms are constantly changing and being updated.

How does Google ranking algorithm work?

Google’s ranking algorithm is based on several factors, including the quality and quantity of a website’s backlinks, the relevance of the website’s content, and the speed at which the website loads.

What is considered good website traffic?

There is no definitive answer to this question, since it can vary depending on the individual goals and objectives of a website. However, in general, website traffic is considered to be good if it is high in quantity and quality.

How much can SEO increase traffic?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on several factors, including the quality of the SEO work, the competitiveness of the niche, and the amount of traffic the site is currently receiving. However, a well-executed SEO campaign can potentially increase traffic by hundreds or even thousands of visitors per month.

Why is direct traffic so high?

There are a few possible explanations:

1. The site is new and people are still finding it.

2. The site is being promoted heavily through advertising or other channels.

3. The site is being linked to from other sites.

4. People are typing the URL directly into their browser.

Does domain migration increase SEO traffic?

As the effect of domain migration on SEO traffic will vary depending on the individual website and the quality of the migration process. However, in general, domain migration should not have a negative impact on SEO traffic, and may even result in a small increase in traffic levels.

How can I migrate my website without losing SEO?

There are a few steps you can take to migrate your website without losing SEO: 1. Use a 301 redirect: A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. This tells search engines that the page has moved permanently, and they should update their index to reflect the new URL. 2. Use a rel=”canonical” tag: A rel=”canonical” tag is an HTML tag that tells search engines which version of a page is the canonical (official) version. This is useful if you have multiple versions of a page (for example, if you have both www and non-www versions of your site). 3. Use a sitemap: A sitemap is an XML file that contains a list of all the pages on your website. This helps search engines find and index all of your pages. 4. Use Google Search Console: Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you monitor and troubleshoot your website’s SEO. It also allows you to submit your sitemap to Google.

Why do search engines adjust their algorithms?

Search engines adjust their algorithms to try to provide the best possible search results for their users.

How does Google spider work?

Google spider is a program that Google uses to collect information about websites. It follows links on websites and reads the content of the pages it visits. Google uses the information it collects to index websites and provide relevant search results.

What are the 10 blue links?

The 10 blue links are a set of results on a Google search page that are typically shown above the organic results. The 10 blue links are also known as the “universal” or “standard” search results.

What is crawling in SEO?

Crawling is the process by which search engines discover and index new content on the web. When a web page is first published, it is submitted to a search engine’s indexing bots, which crawl the page and follow all the links on it. The search engine then adds the page to its index, making it discoverable to users who search for relevant keywords.

What factors might affect a site’s search ranking?

There are several factors that could affect a site’s search ranking, including the quality of the site’s content, the number of inbound links to the site, the site’s age, and the site’s popularity. We have discussed many factors here.

What are off-page factors?

Off-page factors are the aspects of a website that are not directly controlled by the website owner. These include things like inbound links, social media activity, and brand mentions.

Does the number of pages affect SEO?

No, the number of pages on a website does not affect SEO. While more pages may give your website more opportunities to rank in search engines, it is the quality of your content that will ultimately determine your website’s success.

What is white-hat SEO techniques?

White-hat SEO techniques are those that aim to improve the search engine rankings of a website while adhering to the search engine’s terms of service. These techniques include things like optimizing titles and keywords, improving site architecture, and creating quality content.

How long does it take Google to index?

It can take Google weeks or even months to index a new website.

What is the difference between crawling and indexing?

Crawling is the process of going through websites and adding their pages to the index. Indexing is the process of taking those pages and adding them to the database.

Who is the best search engine?

The best search engine is the one that meets your needs the best. Some popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

How many types of SEO are there?

There are three types of SEO: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO.

What is domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA)?

Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) are metrics used by Moz to predict how well a website will rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). DA is a metric that measures the overall strength of a website’s backlink profile, while PA measures the strength of a specific page on a website.

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